Attributes of Masculine and Feminine Energies at a glance:
When a business owner places their need (or greed to sell) before the need of the client, he or she creates a lose/lose scenario. If the client is sold, using various psychological tactics, on a product that they either don’t actually need or which does not quite fit their personal preference, the client does not have an optimal experience. The initial influence of the business owner is to get the client buy, but the resulting influence is the client's awareness or realization that they have been manipulated or that the product is not what they thought. Either way, the client is now unhappy. Studies have shown that when someone is unhappy, they tell at least ten people about it. At least 10! Lose/lose transaction, for sure. For most people who start a business, initially, the goal is purely to earn more money or to find a new way to sustain themselves. Nothing wrong with that. For many, owning a business, especially one that would fit under the umbrella of the healing arts, is far more than making money – or at least it can be. It has the potential to become an opportunity. An opportunity to examine how we approach other human beings, how we approach ourselves, and to gain awareness of how we see the world and ourselves in it. It can also become, as it has for me, a journey of healing. An expedition to discover my flawed self-definition and a belief system that needed significant overhaul! Owning a business can become a path to personal growth, self-discovery, and healing of trauma. It can become a path to Purpose. CONCLUSION: Feminine Energy Marketing = Me/Us & the Planet Masculine Energy Marketing = Me/My shareholders & (too often) screw the Planet “When we change the way we do business, we change the world” – Caroline Leon. We, as consumers, can contribute to that change by giving our money to ethical businesses. This is how change starts at home, with the individual. People are tired of being lied to, being manipulated, and extorted – it’s time for change. We can use the Masculine approach as a catalyst for self-healing and discovery. Why? BECAUSE it has all the core components of trauma or traumatic experiences: lack, fear, survival. We can also use aspects of it and combine both, Masculine and Feminine Energy, in doing business and in other aspects of everyday life. We need to because we are here to coexist and to support not dominate one another. Let’s meet each other with our hearts not our egos. Lastly, I believe that the healing arts entrepreneurial global movement is a global healing movement. It is how we are shifting from the domination of Masculine Energy present as it is for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Feminine Energy is emerging stronger and greater every single day to balance and to soothe humanity, human relations, and the Planet as a whole. The Yin and the Yang must be in balance in order for peaceful harmony to exist as it is meant to, and in order for us to continue to exist as it is possible, still. A quick note of thanks to Mark Walsh who is not only one of the many amazing men who embody Masculine Energy in ways that honour the Feminine but is also part of the Ethical Marketing Movement. We’re gonna be okay, because men like you exist and because women like me are more than willing to co-exist, co-create, and co-operate with you. Cheers to that! Okay, so what do you think?
About the AuthorIn early Spring of 2011, as I sat with my journal at a family cabin, I felt the seed of my creative writing come through from beneath the surface. As I picked up my pen to begin my first journal entry, I felt a feeling of profound peace and indescribable comfort. All was well. I felt I was Home - finally! Archives
August 2023